Sunday, May 2, 2010


It's a wonderful spring day in Florida. The warm sun is balanced by a refreshing breeze, ever so slight, ever so fragrant. The pale blue sky is billowed with angels' wings.

Sitting comfortably on my lanai, which, since I'm a native northerner I still call a patio, I gaze across the pond and watch the golfers gliding by in their silent chariots, stopping occasionally to wiggle their behinds and hit little while balls with sticks. They move on, sometimes smiling, sometimes in anger. I wonder how hitting a ball with a stick would evoke anger. They are gone now and I sit quietly, alone, feeling like all of nature's gifts are mine to enjoy.

I change my gaze to meet the eyes of a great blue heron. He stands tall just a few feet away , like a statue, quiet and still, looking curiously at me as if to ask a question. Then he spreads his wings and soars off into the wind song.

Life is good today.

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